All wards in the City have a ward club. Membership of the Candlewick Ward Club is primarily a social club open to anyone who is interested in Candlewick Ward and the City of London and members include those working in the Ward, residents, City professionals and other Liverymen and Freemen of the City of London.
In addition to the more social side, Candlewick Ward Club offers support to the Alderman of the Ward, the Deputy and other Common Councilman in carrying out their duties on behalf of the City of London and, in particular, in the Ward itself. Like the other Ward Clubs of the City of London, Candlewick Ward Club holds an annual Civic Lunch, occasional dinners, visits, presentations, day trips and an occasional holiday. Cost of membership is modest being a joining fee of [£30] and an annual membership fee of [£30]
Today the Candlewick Ward Club is an opportunity for all those interested in Candlewick Ward and the City of London to get together, share fellowship, have some fun and help our representatives represent us better. Why not join us?